Phineasology99 Wiki

Mucus949 is a weak stickman who has 8 "wives"! He is probably the replacement of Bowser, Ganondorf and of the Ice King, from Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, and Adventure Time.


  • His 1st girlfriend is a virtual girlfriend, Scorn the Dragon King's daughter, Flashwing the Jewel Dragon.
  • It is rumored that he is dating Cadence, and he will marry Cadence, a Green Ninja will soon kill Mucus949.
  • Club Pony held a special day for Mucus949 on February 28, 2013 - March 14, 2013. The Red Nose Day.
  • It is rumored that he is the owner of McPenguin's.
  • It is also rumored that he is Ronald McDonald.
  • He is currently being hunted down by a person named Gordon (AKA Madbootdude) for doing illegal things such as stealing, having too many wives, and more. As of February 2013, he has not be killed yet. 
  • He believes everyone is his friend, and that he "defends" them.
  • In July 2013, he got defeated but soon returned later...
  • All his wives divorced him, and escaped Mucus's slavery, when they found out he was too stupid to lock the door on their cage he put them in.
  • Mucus' brain is a paintball
  • He got killed by a Snail
  • He is the main protagonist of a TV Show, called the Shitman Series.